
Welcome! Let's get started building in CloudStation!

To start, you should be familiar with the core components and features of the platform. Therefore, the goal of this section is to guide you through the steps of laying a solid foundation on which to iterate.

Core Components

ProjectsA Project is like an application stack, or a system of related components. Everything needed by the components in the system are encapsulated in a Project, including environments and variables.
Staged ChangesStaged Changes are a way to manage changes to your project. They are a way to track changes to your project and to revert to a previous state.
VariablesVariable management is an essential part of development operations. Variables can be scoped to both Services and Environments in CloudStation.
VolumesVolumes are a way to persist data to your project. They are a way to store data that is needed by your project and to persist data between deployments.
EnvironmentsEnvironments exist within a Project and are useful for maintaining separation between Production and Development environments.

The next pages will go through how to create and manage your Projects, Services, Variables, and Environments. They will also explain how to use Volumes.

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