Advanced Usage

This document outlines the more advanced concepts of CloudStation. It covers topics such as build and deploy options, networking, integrations, and observability.

Build and Deploy Options

CloudStation provides several ways to customize builds and deployments to fit your project specifications.

Build Options

CloudStation uses Nixpacks to build and deploy your code with zero configuration. When your needs require adjustments to the defaults, you can easily configure install, build, and start commands.

Deploy Options

Deployments come with default options that can be customized:

  • Replicas: Scale your deployment instances by specifying the number of replicas.
  • Deployment Region: Specify a different region for your deployment if the default us-west1 region is not suitable.
  • Scheduled Executions: Create a cron schedule for services intended to run as scheduled tasks.


CloudStation offers robust networking features to simplify the process of connecting services.

Private Networking

Private Networking allows network communication through an IPv6 WireGuard mesh, accessible only to your CloudStation services within a project. Services are assigned a DNS name under the cloudstation.internal domain, resolving to their internal IPv6 addresses.

CloudStation-Provided Domains

Expose your service to the internet with a CloudStation-provided domain. Ensure your application is configured to specify the listening port. Instructions can be found in the.

Custom Domains

Easily add custom domains to your CloudStation service.

Service Logs

View logs for specific service deployments from the service's view in your project, useful for debugging build or deployment failures. Learn more

Centralized Logs

View logs for all services in a project together in the Observability tool, useful for debugging issues spanning multiple services. Learn more

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