Command not found

What This Error Means

CloudStation relies on Nixpacks to analyze your application's files and generate a container image for deployment.

If you encounter a Command not found error, it means Nixpacks was unable to automatically determine the appropriate start command for your application.

The start command is essential, as it tells CloudStation how to run your application.

Causes of the Error

By default, CloudStation utilizes Nixpacks to build and run applications. Nixpacks attempts to detect an appropriate start command based on your application's structure. However, if it fails to do so, this error will appear.

Examples of Start Command Detection

Node.js Applications

  • Nixpacks looks for commands like npm start, yarn start, pnpm start, or bun start if a start script is defined in package.json.

Python Applications

  • If a file is present, Nixpacks tries python
  • If a Django project is detected, it attempts python migrate && gunicorn {app_name}.wsgi.

Ruby on Rails Applications

  • If a Rails project is detected, Nixpacks tries bundle exec rails server -b

If none of these conditions are met, Nixpacks will return the Command not found error.

How to Fix the Error

Since Nixpacks was unable to determine a start command, you need to specify it manually.


You can define a start command in the Service Settings under the Start Command field.

Here are common start commands for various frameworks and languages:


node main.js

Replace main.js with your actual entry file (e.g., index.js, server.js, app.js).


npx next start --port $PORT

The --port flag ensures Next.js runs on the correct port.


node .output/server/index.mjs

This starts Nuxt.js in production mode using Nitro.


uvicorn main:app --host --port $PORT

Replace main with your actual Python file name.


gunicorn main:app

Replace main with your Flask application's filename.


gunicorn myproject.wsgi

Replace myproject with the folder containing

Ruby on Rails

bundle exec rails server -b -p $PORT

Ensures Rails listens on the correct host and port.

Vite (Static Site Deployment)

serve --single --listen $PORT dist

Install serve with npm install serve if necessary.

Create React App

serve --single --listen $PORT build

Install serve with npm install serve if necessary.

By specifying the correct start command, you can resolve this error and ensure your application runs successfully on CloudStation.

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