CloudStation Free Trial

New users can explore CloudStation with a one-time $3.99 coupon, allowing them to experience the platform's features before committing to a paid plan.

How It Works

To claim the free trial, users must link a valid payment method. This ensures seamless access to the platform and prevents abuse of the trial system.

Claim free Trial

Trial Benefits

  • $3.99 in free credits to use towards CloudStation services
  • Access to core platform features
  • Ability to deploy and test projects in a real environment

Important Details

Coupon Amount$3.99
Card Required
Trial ExpiryDoes not auto-renew
Plan UpgradeAvailable anytime


How do I start my free trial?

Sign up for CloudStation and link a valid payment method. Once your card is linked, the $3.99 coupon will be automatically applied.

Requiring a card helps prevent fraudulent sign-ups and ensures that users can continue using CloudStation seamlessly if they choose to upgrade after the trial.

What happens when my trial credit runs out?

If you exhaust your $3.99 credit, you will need to upgrade to a paid plan or add credits to continue using CloudStation services.

Can I cancel my trial?

Yes, you can stop using the service anytime. Since the free trial does not auto-renew, you won’t be charged unless you decide to upgrade.

For more details, visit our pricing page.

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