Deploying Database Services

CloudStation offers a flexible environment to deploy and manage any database service your application requires. This guide walks you through the essential steps to build your own database service.

For this example, we will use the official PostgreSQL image.

Defining the Service Source

A key step in deploying a service is defining its source. In CloudStation, you can deploy a database service from a predefined template or a custom Docker image.

To deploy the official PostgreSQL image, simply enter postgres in the Source Image field:

Add source

Configuring Services and Repositories

CloudStation allows users to add and configure services, repositories, and environment variables. Each service has configuration options that enable users to define environment variables if required.

Configuring Services and Repositories

Managing Variables

Users can define global variables for services and repositories. Use the raw editor to add variables in bulk for better management.

Managing Variables

Selecting a Cloud Provider

Choose the cloud service provider for your deployment. This determines where your database service will be hosted.

Selecting a Cloud Provider

Choosing a Cloud Region

Select the geographical region where your database service will be deployed. This impacts performance and compliance.

Choosing a Cloud Region


Deploying a database service in CloudStation is simple using the official image. You can also explore other database images and even build custom deployments using a Dockerfile.

Template Marketplace

Looking for a ready-made solution? Explore our Template Marketplace for a variety of database services, including:

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